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Category: News

America’s Future Being Tested in Singapore With Approval of 16 Insects for Human Consumption

America’s Future Being Tested in Singapore With Approval of 16 Insects for Human Consumption It’s not uncommon for insect parts to accidentally make it into processed foods in plant production. However, Singapore has gone one step further and approved the packaging and sale...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Genetic and Biological Weaponry Continues to Be Deployed Across the Food Supply

Genetic and Biological Weaponry Continues to Be Deployed Across the Food Supply

Now that human beings are learning to reject mRNA vaccine experiments and associated biological warfare, there is a new global agenda that seeks to inject animals with mRNA bioweapons and taint...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Buy Into the Globalist Climate Hysteria at Your Own Peril

Buy Into the Globalist Climate Hysteria at Your Own Peril

The globalists say that climate change is the biggest threat to humanity and that we need to give up our privacy and freedom in order to stop it. They are...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial to the Human Diet – Warn Against Vegan ‘Zealotry’

Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial to the Human Diet – Warn Against Vegan ‘Zealotry’

Dozens of experts were asked to look into the science behind claims that meat eating causes disease and is harmful for the planet in a special issue of a journal...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Will Meat Be Banned?

Will Meat Be Banned?

Meat has been a celebrated food staple since the dawn of mankind.1 Never has anyone needed to justify the eating of animal protein — until now. According to the globalist cabal...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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280 Million Americans Are NOT Prepared for Common SHTF Scenarios

280 Million Americans Are NOT Prepared for Common SHTF Scenarios

Prepping may be lesser known in your area and there’s a chance that you have no idea how important it is to be prepared for an emergency or disaster. According to different surveys...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Ranchers Report Biggest Cattle Supply Drop in 40 Years as Shortages Hit Grocery Stores

Ranchers Report Biggest Cattle Supply Drop in 40 Years as Shortages Hit Grocery Stores Tens of thousands of ranchers are reporting the largest beef supply drop since 1962 as herds continue to shrink all across the country. The meat shortages we have been...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Top 7 Ways Biden Regime and Big Food Corporations Are Crippling Family-Owned Farms in America

Top 7 Ways Biden Regime and Big Food Corporations Are Crippling Family-Owned Farms in America

One of the keys to surviving the Democrat-led food and resource apocalypse is keeping local and family-run farms functioning in full capacity. The Leftists would call it a conspiracy by...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Beef That Will Still Be Good When Illegal Aliens Get Their Asylum Hearings in 2033

Beef That Will Still Be Good When Illegal Aliens Get Their Asylum Hearings in 2033

Here are two bold predictions for the next decade. First, the vast majority of illegal aliens who have been given asylum court dates in 2033 by the Biden-Harris regime will...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Biowarfare Through the Food Supply

Biowarfare Through the Food Supply

In an April 17, 2023, opinion piece in STAT News,1 Dr. Peter Lurie and Beth Ellikidis argue for the genetic engineering of food, claiming “newer technologies can make highly targeted changes...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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